Sunday, August 25, 2013

Valparaiso and Viña del Mar

Last weekend I had a long weekend because of holidays, and I went to Viña del Mar and Valpariso with 3 friends from my program. It was a very fun and relaxing weekend. We did not try and fit in everything in one weekend because it is only about a 1.5 hour bus ride so we know we will go back. It was just what I needed to get away. Here are pictures of my weekend :)
Chilenismos = Chilean slang
First Christian Church in South America
First Christian Church with a Cross in South America

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Last week I started my classes in the School of Economy and Business at the University of Chile (Faculdad de Economía y Negocios en la Universidad de Chile). I am taking 2 classes there and I am taking 2 more classes that are offered by my GW Chile program. The GW classes started this week. All of my classes are in Spanish. Honestly, my schedule could be a little better, but I LOVE all of my classes. I have really long breaks between classes, which isn't that great since I don't know a ton of people yet, but it could be much worse. I am going to explain my classes because I am excited about all of them :)

Marketing 1 (Marketing 1):
This class is at the Universidad de Chile and I have it twice a week with a discussion once a week. Luckily Marketing is the same all around the world so it was easy to transfer back to GW.
I absolutely LOVE the class and I am learning so much. You would think that Marketing is somewhat straightforward, but it is not at all. My teacher is great and he really interacts with the class. At times when the class seems to be not paying attention he reels everyone back in. He makes a lot of jokes, almost all of which I understand, and this makes class very entertaining. We have learned some terms and the basics of marketing, like how to try and please your customer, and it is really complex. We will have a group project to hand in at the end of the semester and luckily I was able to find a group with not to much difficulty because a guy who sat next to me a few classes ago asked if I wanted to be with them. I finally met all of the group members this morning because we did a small case study in our groups and I really like them. I think this will be a really good class.

Viticultura en Chile y la Industria del Vino (Viticulture in Chile and the Industry of Wine):
Who would think this was a class that would transfer for my major?! Luckily it does! It counts as Special Topics in International Business and is a class that goes towards my International Business Concentration.  It is at the Universidad de Chile and has 28 foreigners and 18 Chileans in the class - it is a popular elective. This class is actually harder than you would think because it requires a lot of work. There is a lot of reading, but the class is interesting. The class is structured in 3 parts: 1) The Culture of Wine, 2) Production: Viticulture and Fermentation, and 3) Commercialization and Marketing of Wine. There are a few excursions and I can't wait to go visit vineyards. I really don't know anything about wine so I am excited to learn more, especially because my parents and our friends in Spain are experts and I have always wanted to share their knowledge.

Memoria Histórica y Derechos Humanos en Chile, siglo XX (Historical Memory and Human Rights in Chile, 20th century):
This is one of my GW classes and it is the best class they have ever taken according to a lot of alumni from the program. I was hesitant about taking this class because it counts as an elective for me and I only have one left, however I think I learned more in my first 2 hour class than in the past 6 months! This class discusses recent history and human rights and focuses on the time when Pinochet was the dictator. My teacher is so passionate about the subject and he was actually a prisoner during the time that Pinochet ruled Chile. He taught a very suspenseful first class by starting at the most recent history and working backwards. I am normally not a huge fan of history, but I was intrigued the whole time. I am so glad I decided to take this class and I am really looking forward to the semester.

Comunicación Oral Española Avanzada y Tópicos Contemporáneos de Cultura Chilena (Advanced Spanish Oral Communication and Contemporary Topics about Chilean Culture):
This is my other GW class that is basically a Spanish class about Chilean Spanish and Culture. After getting it approved, I was somewhat hesitant about taking this class because my Spanish is very advanced, since I am bilingual, and I was worried I would be bored. However, I have decided that even though there will be some slow parts, I really want to completely solidify my Spanish and since I have to write a lot for this class it will help me with all of my other classes. I am keeping a blog for my homework for that class and here is the link if there are any Spanish speakers that are interested in reading more about my perspective on Chilean culture:

I think this semester will be great and I am really enjoying all of my classes already. Now, I just have to start studying!! :P

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sandboarding Pictures!!

Looking out about to go down...

And this is what I looked like the day before when we went to see the geysers in the morning to give you an idea of how cold it was :P